
CondenStop® Moisture Barrier

A Moisture Absorbing Barrier for Metal Roofs

We’re proud to offer Condenstop® with our custom metal roofing panels. This highly effective moisture absorbing material can be applied to your panels as we roll them as part of our production process, helping you avoid any extra work while getting extra protection for your roof.

What is CondenStop®

CondenStop® is made from a polyester non-woven fleece that has thermoplastic bound to it, creating a unique product with high moisture absorbing properties. This fabric is applied during our metal rolling process and is a effective solution for condensation that commonly forms on the interior or metal roofs.

Benefits of CondenStop®

  • Saves up to 30% on installation time over traditional condensation barriers.
  • Able to be installed in all weather conditions that metal can be installed in
  • Completely drip free condensation solution
  • At least 2 degrees cooler during summertime
  • Extends roof life by up to 5 years by fighting corrosion.
  • 100% impervious to mold growth
  • Pre-applied for you when we roll your metal

How Does CondenStop® Work?

When the temperature of your metal roof breaks below the dew point at night, it will often create condensation on the interior. This can create structural damage, mold issues, and other problems over time. Condenstop is a highly absorbent barrier that will soak up all the moisture when your roof is creating condensation. Then during the day when the sun shines, the combination of the sunlight on the roof and the ventilation inside your building will dry out the fabric and have it ready for the next night’s moisture. This product has been tested and proven over many years around the world and has been shown to be one of the most effective moisture barriers available.

Applying CondenStop® At Our Shop